


貓阿諾 Arnaud Lechat
馬克・范・湯可鄰 Mark van Tongeren
詹雅淳 Ya Chun Zhan

《夢境》是一部由貓阿諾、馬克·范·湯可鄰和詹雅淳共同創作的音樂與舞蹈表演,靈感來自法國後印象派畫家亨利·盧梭的畫作《夢境》(法文: Le Rêve)。畫中女子夢中的叢林發生了什麼事情呢?他那指向音樂家的手,是否在訴說,藝術是唯一足夠強大的力量,足以保護我們遺失的天堂免受惡蛇的侵擾?


The Dream

Time: 2023/11/08 (Wed.) 19:30
Location: NYCU Music Performance Hall (ChiaoTung Campus), 2nd Floor, Student Activity Center
Ticket: Free admission 
Sign Up: https://reurl.cc/51KAzV (10/08 (Sun.) 12:00 Open URL)

The Dream is a musical and dance performance created by Arnaud Lechat, Mark van Tongeren, and Zhan Ya Chun inspired by the painting Le Rêve by post-Impressionist French painter Henri Rousseau. The music invites us to dive into the painting which represents Yadwigha in the jungle of her dream, surrounded by wild animals and a mysterious musician.

What happens in the Garden of Eden? The dreamer woman points to the musician, isn’t this a way of telling us that art is the only force powerful enough to preserve the lost paradise from the evil snake?

陽明交大演藝廳 / 300台灣新竹市東區大學路1001號 (學生活動中心2樓)


票種 販售時間 售價
學生票 (限陽明交大學生)

2023/10/08 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/11/08 19:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費
全票 (本校教職員、校友、一般觀眾及他校教職員生)

2023/10/08 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/11/08 19:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費

~ 2023/11/08 19:30(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費